Accurate estimations are essential for the success of your project.
All Resources
Accurate estimations are essential for the success of your project.
Determine the factors that impact your project’s productivity.
Learn about productivity, estimation and team size in Agile.
Compare your project’s estimates to the best in the software industry.
A significant proportion of your IT systems’ budget may be spent on maintenance and support.
Learn about the importance of software size, as an important factor in estimating cost.
Discover how customer satisfaction, cost-effectiveness and quality can be maintained with outsourcing.
Learn about the factors that affect the schedule and budget of your project.
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Productivity Improvements
/in productivityThe ISBSG Development and Enhancement Repository contains data for software projects that can track productivity improvements.
Estimation Models
/in estimationIT project data enables organizations to generate consistent and statistically significant estimation models.
Joint Confidence Level
/in project controlJoint Confidence Level Analysis was successful used for NASA. Learn how parametric and machine learning methods were used.
Benchmarking Projects
/in benchmarkingBenchmarking enables: comparisons of productivity, quality, time to market, cost efficiency and project estimations.
Simple Function Point
/in agileThe contractual management of Agile projects increases the importance of accurate sizing methods.
/in benchmarkingUsing the example of Toyota, we will learn the main practices that allow maximum digital transformation: benchmarking.
Historical Data
/in project controlIn DevOps the “Third Way” means “continuous experimentation & learning”. This is the highest maturity level for decision-making.
Agile Team
/in agileManaging the IT function in management and development is more important than ever. It is wrongly assumed that agile, DevOps or multidisciplinary teams do not need planning or leadership.
Discover What ISBSG Offers
/in recommendedFind out what ISBSG offers and how ISBSG can help you and your project, with this informative guide.
Use of Function Points
/in sizingFunctional size (function points) is universally considered to be the square meter of the software
industry. It is the only international standard used to measure the size of software in a standardized,
objective, repeatable, verifiable and defensible way.
Cost Estimation
/in estimationA trading company would like to replace a large legacy application with an application that offers the same functionality.
Senior management understands that an accurate estimate is the basis for a successful project. They intend to carry out an independent cost estimation by a specialized third party.
In this case study, the steps that were carried out are listed and the results are given.
Software Productivity Versus Speed
/in productivityThe Project Delivery Rate of a project expresses how many effort hours were
spent, on average, to create one function point. Speed expresses how many
function points are created per calendar month. So there is a relationship since
both metrics refer to effort and time. The question is: “How are these metrics
Low-code Project Productivity
/in productivityA high-level analysis is given of the productivity differences between traditional languages, such as Java or .Net and low code technologies (i.e. drag and drop).
Java Project Productivity
/in productivityJava is a high-level, class-based, object-oriented programming language that is designed to have as few implementation dependencies as possible. There is a lot of available data of Java projects in the 2021 ISBSG Development & Enhancement repository – over 2000 projects. This short paper examines the productivity of these projects.
Software Productivity Measurement
/in productivity, recommendedIn this industry report, Challenges in Productivity Measurement in the software industry are
addressed and the way ISBSG data can be used to benchmark productivity of completed
projects, releases and sprints is explained.