Software Rates
The impact of different factors upon Function Point (FP) is explored, such as implementation of estimation/productivity models & de-localization of providers
The impact of different factors upon Function Point (FP) is explored, such as implementation of estimation/productivity models & de-localization of providers
However, especially in ICT industry majority of the projects overrun both the budget and schedule, and deliver less functionality than expected. In this presentation we take another look at the project management triangle, to learn how to get more outcomes with spending less money and time.
Based on the speaker’s experience negotiating and managing many outsourcing contracts using Function Points as a Key Performance Indicator, this presentation describes the pitfalls that can be experienced if one takes too simplistic a view of the meaning and use of Function Point data and suggests ways in which they may be avoided.
This paper evaluates the validity of using NESMA EFP as an alternative to IFPUG FP, in the early estimation of software development effort.
By analyzing historical data from the software industry, it is possible to improve the software productivity and quality. This is done through benchmarking and management decisions about software development practices.
up to now there exists no agreed method of measuring defects in ICT. UML sequence diagrams is a software model that describes data movements between actors and objects and allows for automated measurements using ISO/IEC 19761 COSMIC. Can we also use it for defect measurements that allows applying standard Six Sigma techniques to ICT by measuring both functional size and defect density in the same model?
Sizing can be a normalizing factor for estimating, measurement and benchmarking. A size measure is required for functional and non-functional size. This uses IFPUG Function Point Analysis and Software non-functional Assessment Process (SNAP).
This presentation reports the analysis results of clarifying factors that affect productivity of enterprise software projects.