Pierre Almen
Pierre is an experienced IT manager, management consultant and bench- marking specialist. He is an honorary fellow in the International Function Point Users Group (IFPUG) and founder of a software metrics network at the Swedish IT Association.

Paula Holmberg
Paula has over 25 years experience in IT and she spent 15 of those years working in software measurement. She has previously worked for IBM.

Luigi Buglione
Luigi is a Measurement & Process Improvement Specialist at DXC Technology in Rome, Italy. He is currently the IFPUG Director for Sizing & International Standard and the President of GUFPI-ISMA (the Italian Software Metrics Association).

Alejandro Hernández Guillén
Alejandro is an Account Manager at LedaMC, in Spain. He has extensive experience in IT productivity, benchmarking, cost and project control.

Harold van Heeringen
Harold is a principal IT-metrics consultant, based in the Netherlands. He specializes in agile team performance, software cost estimation and risk assessment. He is also a board member of the Netherlands Software Metrics Association.
ISBSG Board and Gold Partners

Susan Dai
Beijing Software Cost Evaluation Technology Innovation Alliance
M:+186 117 293 59
E: daihl@bscea.org
website: www.bscea.org

Helen Huang
China SPI (System and Software Process Improvement Association)
M:+8611 992 425
E: huangq@ssmchina.org
website: www.spichina.org.cn

Roberto Meli
DPO – Data Processing Organisation, Italy
T: +39 0686930700
C: +39 335 6359141
E: roberto.meli@dpo.it
website: www.dpo.it
FISMA (Finnish Software Measurement Association)
P: +35 8405 623 544
website: www.fisma.fi

Dan Galorath
Galorath, USA
P: 1 (310) 414 3222
F: 1 (310) 414 3220
E: galorath@galorath.com
website: www.galorath.com

Luigi Buglione
GUFPI-ISMA (Italian Software Metrics Association)
P: +39-335.1214813
E: luigi.buglione@gufpi-isma.org
website: www.gufpi-isma.org

Pierre Almen
IFPUG (International Function Point Users Group)
F:+ 1 609 799 7032
E: ifpug@ifpug.org
website: www.ifpug.org

Alejandro Hernández Guillén
Leda MC, Spain
P: +34 917 000 373
E: europa@leda-mc.com
website: www.leda-mc.com

Harold van Heeringen
NESMA (Netherlands Software Metrics Association)
E: office@nesma.org
website: www.nesma.org

Arlene Minkiewicz
Unison Global
P: 856-630-9408
E: Arlene.minkiewicz@unisonglobal.com
Website: www.unisonglobal.com
ISBSG Bronze Partners

Alain Abran
COSMIC (Common Software Measurement International Consortium)
website: https://cosmic-sizing.org/

Thomas Fehlmann
Euro Project Office
website: https://e-p-o.com/

Masayuki Kajiyama
Measurement Council for IT Systems, Japan
E: kajiyama@yhat.co.jp
website: https://www.mcis-jp.org/