ISBSG Resources
ISBSG has a wealth of resources (i.e. reports, articles, conference papers and videos) on a wide range of software management topics. These topics include: productivity, planning and estimation, benchmarking, agile, maintenance and support, project control, outsourcing and sizing your project.
ISBSG resources are written by IT and metrics professionals, who are leaders in their field of expertise.
ISBSG Webinars
ISBSG webinars are presented by guest speakers who share their expertise in software metrics. Choose from our list below.
ITIL4 Guiding Principles
ITIL4 has 7 recommendations to improving services. They are relevant for all businesses. Use real-life examples to apply these principles from a measurement perspective .
Practical Applications of ISBSG Data
Harold Van Heeringen has extensively used ISBSG Data as a benchmarking tool for client organizations.
In this webinar, Harold uses his expertise to demonstrate how ISBSG data (in Excel-format and via the ISBSG Productivity Data Query Tool) can be used to improve estimation and planning.
Re-evaluation of Estimation Study Results using ISBSG Data
This webinar evaluates any differences between replications of research studies that used ISBSG data, to estimate software-effort.
Software Cost Estimation of Maintenance and Support
/in estimation, maintenance and supportM&S activities can consume a significant portion (65% – 85%) of a software application’s total cost. Therefore, accurate estimation of M&S effort is crucial for organizations to effectively plan resources and budgets. This report explores how ISBSG data can be used to estimating an application’s M&S effort.
Software Cost Estimation Certification
/in estimationThe success of a software development project depends on the accurate estimation of project costs. This short report looks at the importance of cost estimation maturity. It discusses the International Cost Estimating and Analysis Association (ICEAA). This is a non-profit organization that promotes the professional development of cost estimation and analysis skills. We review the cost-estimation educational modules and certification options provided by ICEAA.
Impact of Requirements on Agile Projects
/in agileAgile methodologies emphasize flexibility and continuous adaptation, but clear requirements are still crucial for efficient development. The effective management of project requirements can: contribute to a team’s ability to deliver working software in short iterations, minimize rework caused by misunderstandings, ensure the final product aligns with stakeholder expectations. This short paper investigates the impact of the effort spent on the design phase and its impact on productivity, in agile software development projects.
Analysis of Productivity per Application Type
/in productivityDo certain application types have better productivity rates than others? This short paper examines the productivity rates for different application types in the ISBSG Repository. It compares statistics to determine which application is a winner in terms of productivity!
Effort Distribution in Agile Teams
/in project controlIn this short paper, the difference in productivity (i.e., effort distribution) between traditional and agile projects is analysed. It explores the importance of optimal effort distributions in agile development and discusses general trends. It compares a subset of ISBSG project data to general effort distribution observed in agile development teams.
Inhouse versus Outsourced Applications
/in outsourcingMany organizations employ software development experts to develop applications that are used inhouse or sold to customers. Other organizations outsource application development to specialized, external companies. In this short paper, we examine the differences in productivity and delivery speed between in-house and outsourced application development.