Non-Functional Requirements
Non-Functional Requirements are a challenging concept. How can NFR data be gathered and used to improve effort/cost estimations.
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Non-Functional Requirements are a challenging concept. How can NFR data be gathered and used to improve effort/cost estimations.
The presentation describes capabilities and capability-based planning. Discussed are the challenges in software cost estimation and how capability-based cost estimation models for software differ throughout the life cycle. I conclude with a summary methodology to develop a capability-based cost estimation for software, which is to define capability groups with similar software functions and associated effort ranges.
A study of agile projects in the ISBSG dataset that included metrics such as the number of sprints/iterations and sprint/iteration length was done. This resulted in a normalized velocity metric (FPs Per Sprint Week/Person) that could be used to for benchmarking purposes. This metric, along with team size could be used to examine the productivity changes with different team sizes.
Learn how Project Delivery Rate can be estimated using software and team sizes, using the ISBSG book, “Practical Software Project Estimation”.
Create new functionality, enhance existing functionality, remove technical debt, compensate respective effort in a controlled, measurable way.
This short paper examines whether there have been more New Development or Enhancement type projects submitted to the ISBSG Repository. It investigates whether the median project size for these projects has increased or decreased over time.
The short paper analyses the effort spent on general and specific software maintenance and support activities.
How would you like to have your project’s productivity benchmarked against the ISBSG Repository? This short paper explains how you can receive a free benchmark report, when you submit project data to the ISBSG repository.
This short paper compares the productivity of projects that have different application types, from the ISBSG Repository. The application types are: Business Applications, Real-Time Applications, Mathematically-Intensive Application and Infrastructure Software.
ITIL4 has 7 recommendations to improving services. They are relevant for all businesses. Use real-life examples to apply these principles from a measurement perspective .
Accurate estimations are essential for the success of your project.
Determine the factors that impact your project’s productivity.
Learn about productivity, estimation and team size in Agile.
Compare your project’s estimates to the best in the software industry.
A significant proportion of your IT systems’ budget may be spent on maintenance and support.
Learn about the importance of software size, as an important factor in estimating cost.
Discover how customer satisfaction, cost-effectiveness and quality can be maintained with outsourcing.
Learn about the factors that affect the schedule and budget of your project.
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