Become Competitive – Benchmark, Act and Improve
by Pierre Almen
“You can’t manage what you can’t control, and you can’t control what you don’t measure” – Tom de Marco
Software projects face many challenges, all of which can increase costs and decrease productivity. This presentation looks at the use of benchmarking, to improve the management and control of projects.
See the PDF of the presentation
About Pierre Almen
Pierre Almén is currently the President of ISBSG. He has been a IFPUG Committee Chair and Board member. Pierre is a Certified Function Points Specialist and Certified Software Measurement Specialist. He was the PL for the IFPUG publication ”IT Value Metrics” and the IFPUG Application Development & Maintenance Benchmarking Certification. He is also responsible for a FP / Software Metrics network in Sweden. Pierre has performed benchmarking and sourcing studies of systems development and maintenance at
major Nordic organisations. He was also a developer / project leader / systems development & maintenance manager within IBM