Note: Your Corporate Subscription will be activated when your signed Corporate Subscription License agreement has been received by ISBSG. Signed License Agreements should be sent to
When you purchase an ISBSG Corporate Subscription, you receive:
1. an Excel spreadsheet containing data for all projects from the ISBSG Development & Enhancement Repository.**
2. an Excel spreadsheet containing data for all applications from the ISBSG Maintenance & Support Repository.**
3. free updates of the Development & Enhancement Repository and Maintenance & Support Repository, as they occur.
4. Demographic reports for the Development & Enhancement data and Maintenance & Support data.
5. unlimited access to all ISBSG Special Analysis reports.
6. a report of your choice – you nominate the topic
7. a 12 month subscription to the new ISBSG Productivity Data Query tool. This tool generates productivity estimates that can be used as a benchmark for your project.
** Licensing Agreements for 1-9 users or 10-49 users are available.