Benchmarking Test Density

by Thomas Fehlmann

In Automotive, but also in many other areas such as the Internet of Things (IoT), Trains or Airplanes, Software Testing is necessary to get certificates and trust. Or would users ever dare to let an autonomous car drive them through traffic without trusting the software tests ensuring safety (SOTIF — Safety of The Intended Functionality, ISO 21448)? Drivers even switch off their ADAS (Advanced Driving Assistance System) because of mistrust. Airline passengers likely will avoid flights with new software releases of the Boeing 737 MAX unless the constructor can exhibit a test density that restores trust.

Test Density can be measured and benchmarked. This talk is about how to measure tests, defects, test density and predict reliability, even for software that relies on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Support Vector Machines (SVM), as many visual recognition systems do.

About Thomas

Dr. Thomas Fehlmann is a senior expert in software metrics and testing, a Lean Six Sigma Black Belt for lean and agile software development and promoter of customer-oriented product design and testing. He spent most of his professional life as a quality manager for software organizations. As such, he has led a few companies to global market dominance using Quality Function Deployment (QFD) and Six Sigma for Software. He has run the Euro Project Office since 1999 and is internationally recognized as QFD expert and as software metrics expert. Since 2016, Thomas has been an academic member of the Athens Institute for Education and Research. Thomas is a frequent presenter at conferences on topics including Six Sigma, QFD, software quality, software testing, project management, software engineering and software metrics.