Cost and Data Issues facing Today’s Cybersecurity Analysts
by Bob Hunt
Current studies imply that it is more costly to defend against a cybersecurity attack than to execute the attack. Studies also indicate that the typical breach is not detected until about 200 days after the breach. We need to understand the scope of security. Is it physical, computer, hardware, people, policy, or all of the above? This presentation evaluates three approaches; economic, industrial engineering, and parametric, to costing cybersecurity. The strengths and weaknesses of each approach are discussed.
About Bob
Bob Hunt has over 40 years of cost estimating and analysis experience. He has served in senior technical and management positions at Galorath (President Galorath Federal and Vice President Galorath), CALIBRE Systems (Vice President), CALIBRE Services (President), SAIC (Vice President), the U.S. Army Cost and Economic Analysis Center (Chief of the Vehicles, Ammunition, and Electronics ICE Division, U.S. Army Directorate of Cost Analysis (Deputy Director for Automation and Modeling), and other Army analysis positions.
He is the author of multiple technical papers journals. Mr. Hunt has provided IT systems and software program assessments, and IT and software cost estimating for commercial and federal clients including the U.S. Army, Customs and Border Patrol, the Department of Defense, NASA, and various commercial clients. Mr. Hunt has held leadership positions and made technical presentations for the American Institute of Aeronautic and Astronautics (AIAA), served as the Chairman of the Economics Technical Subcommittee of the AIAA, the National Association of Environmental Professionals (NAEP).