Validation of Supplier Estimates Using COSMIC Method – Francisco Valdés-Souto

Software development organizations (suppliers) need improve, formal estimation approaches to increase the success rate of software projects developed.  Projects requested by customers must be validated in the estimation provided by the supplier, regardless of he estimation method utilized.

In this paper, a real case study is described where a validation estimates model was generated from a reference database based on the COSMIC method. The defined model using a density function to help the customer define validation criteria.  This took into account the probability that the supplier estimate was met according to an industry reference database.

Read Francesco’s presentation

About Francisco

President of COSMIC, Dr. Francisco Valdés Souto, is an Associate Professor of the Faculty of Sciences of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). He has a Doctorate in Software Engineering, specializing in Software Measurement and Estimation at the École de Technologie Supérieure ( ETS) and two master’s Degrees in México and France.  He has more than 20 years of experience in critical software development. He is the founder of SPINGERE, the first Mexican company specialized in software measurement, estimation and evaluation, as well as Founder of the Mexican Association of Software Metrics (AMMS). He is the main promoter of formal software metrics in Mexico, promoting COSMIC as a National Standard.