Agile Benchmarking in 2020 – Where Are We Today (and why you should care)?
by Joe Schofield
The focus of this presentation is on experience-based and research-based agile benchmarking data. The experience-basis will incorporate client reactions and limitations to any agile data. The research-basis will trend industry-leading benchmarks including the use of agile methods, practices, and benefits since 2016 with an obvious focus on the most recent data. Insights and cautions will be shared for the attendee’s consideration. Finally, recommendations on agile-related measures and metrics will be provided.
About Joe
Joe enables enterprise-wide agile transformation through executive coaching; organization training, certification, and practice; policy and process codification; ongoing improvement; organizational alignment; collaborative teaming; and value delivery. He is a Past President of IFPUG. He served as a SEPG Chair and was awarded a SW-CMM® Level 3.
Joe is an Authorized Training Partner with VMEdu and a Scrum Certified Trainer with SCRUMstudy™. He has facilitated ~200 teams in the areas of software specification, team building, and organizational planning using lean six sigma, business process reengineering, and JAD. Joe has taught over 100 college coursesl. He was a certified instructor for the Introduction to the CMMI for most of the past decade. Joe has over 80 published books, papers, conference presentations, webinars and keynotes.